
UPDATED 10/15/2020

Dear Families,

In light of the recent, positive Covid-19 cases in our area, we believe that it’s necessary to revisit our mask policy with in the gym. As we’ve mentioned in the previous emails with the holidays approaching and more people traveling/gathering, we believe that it is the safest measure to mandate mask wearing in the gym while participating in classes and team practices.

Intermediate, Advanced and Team will be allowed to pull their mask down to chin level only when it affects their peripheral view on tumbling, bar work and acrobatics on beam. They will be required to wear a mask at all other times.

We understand that changes are not easy, but this is our best option if we want to keep things going in our gym. Please know that everyone’s well-being is our top priority. As things progress, we will readdress the policy again. It is always better to be safe than sorry and we truly appreciate all the support we have been getting. We will continue to do our best to make Sunrise always available to everyone.
As a reminder we also ask that you keep your child home from practice or class if:

  • your child does not feel well, has a fever, or has any new symptoms not related to another health condition (cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, sore throat, congestion, nausea, or diarrhea)

  • Your child has come in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid-19

  • Your child has visited an area outside of Vermont that is a yellow or red zone without properly quarantining as defined by the State of Vermont

Stay safe and healthy,
Sunrise Gymnastics

As a consequence of the restrictions placed on Sunrise by the Vermont Department of Health and our commitment to safety, parents must agree to follow the following policies:

1. Students must use the restroom and wash their hands thoroughly before leaving for the gym. Students should always wash both hands and feet after returning home. Hand sanitizer will be provided throughout the gym and waiting areas.

2. Only one parent may enter the gym with their child. Parents are welcome to drop off and pick up in front of the gym.

3 All adults & children will have to keep their mask on at all time. Exceptions: Intermediate, Advance and Team practices - they are allowed to pull the mask down to chin level while doing higher level skills for safety purposes.

4. The entry area and seating/ waiting area will have clearly marked physical-distancing position indicators. If this space starts to fill up, kindly move or wait outside and we will walk your child out to meet you. (Just leave a note on the front desk with kid's name)

5. Please DO NOT send your sick child or yourself into the gym if you are not feeling well. We offer make-ups.

6. Please note that every child who walks into the gym will be scanned for temperature and if we find anyone with a slightly higher temperature, we will contact you to bring your child home.

Modified Class/ Camp Structure

  1. Upon entering the gym, students will be scanned for temperature.

  2. Hand sanitizer will be used between each station.

  3. Class size will be limited to 6 - 7 kids ONLY, 6 ft apart during class.

  4. Currently only accepting kids ages 6 and above. (During Summer )

  5. Kids will be instructed to sanitize their hands before moving to another rotation/ equipment.

  6. We will minimize hands-on instruction but will demonstrate the drills. Emphasizing on verbal instructions/ corrections.

  7. The last 5 minutes of the class will be used for taking turns to wash hands and prepare for pick up.

    * 15 minutes in between classes are meant to avoid heaving traffic/ crowds and cleaning of the gym area *

If you have any other concerns, feel free to shoot us an email at .
